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 Sample analysis under the microscope in the ystral test centre


Mixing and dispersing systems for pharmaceutical powders

In the pharmaceutical industry, the highest quality manufacturing processes and hygiene standards are an absolute must. With the process engineering systems and the ystral mixing and dispersing machines installed in them, you can implement efficient processes that ensure your product standards are upheld. ystral process optimisation is used in the pharmaceutical industry from inline dispersing machines for agglomerate-free processing of thickening agents through to recipe-controlled process systems for the production of active ingredient coatings.

 ystral engineers at work in the office

Necessary product quality for pharmacy approval

Fast approval processes thanks to GMP-certified quality

As a respected and globally established manufacturer of plant engineering in the pharmaceutical industry, we know the requirements and regulations for process systems only too well. Thanks to decades of cooperation with global customers in the pharmaceutical sector and the constant ongoing development of our systems, we are able to ensure that they are GMP-compliant. This design – as well as the improvements achieved in product quality – often leads to (initial) marketing approvals for our customers’ medicinal products. This also applies to the system concept for the ‘Verein der Waisenmedizin’ (orphan medicine association) in Freiburg.

Plant engineering in compliance with approval requirements:

GMP-compliant design: Our systems can be built to the highest standards of Good Manufacturing Practice to fulfil the requirements of the regulatory authorities.

Comprehensive technical documentation: Comprehensive technical documentation is included in the system’s scope of delivery ensuring that all the necessary verifications are provided.

Potential for automated documentation: Our automation technology enables all relevant process data to be automatically recorded and stored.

Testing and validation services: Test and validate your required end product quality in our test centre under objective conditions.

Icon for ystral Pharmaceutical Industry

Process plant for the pharmaceutical industry

Process plant for tablet coating production

Tablet coating

To the profile
Process plant for the production of medicinal gel

Pharmaceutical gel

To the profile
ystral process system tablett coatings

Impressive solutions

Plant engineering for the pharmaceutical industry

Although our systems and machines are used worldwide, they are still ‘made in Germany’. Plant engineering in the pharmaceutical industry must be reliable and tried and tested. Our systems are flexible and customised to the needs of the pharmaceutical industry. At ystral, we specialise in the high requirements of your mixing technology and offer you over 60 years of expertise in more than 500 raw materials. As a result of innovative service concepts, our already short maintenance times are almost completely eliminated. Like so many customers, you can rely on advanced and proven systems, optimised processes and cost-effective results.

Common areas of application:

An excerpt from a wide range of possible applications:

  • Gels and ointments
  • Suspensions and solutions
  • Cough medicine
  • Enteral food
  • Active ingredient coatings
  • Vaccines
  • Capsule tablets
  • Powder for inhalers
  • Solid oral formulations
  • Infusions
  • Dermatological preparations
  • Reconstitutable products

Are you considering optimising your mixing processes? Feel free to contact us or take a look at all the raw materials we process.

Get in touch View processed powders

Icon for ystral Pharmaceutical Industry

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Johanna Manke

Johanna Manke

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  • Important dates including free exhibition admission tickets
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