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ystral branding on chemical products
Dr Jacob at the test centre

When the chemistry’s right

Mixing services and manufacturing for the chemical industry

The chemical industry encompasses a wide range of mixing processes, products and quality specifications. Our experienced engineers and process technicians develop customised process systems for you, from the laboratory to the production scale. In the process, we carefully consider your specific needs and application requirements. Our mixing Machines used in the systems, such as mixers, dispersers and inline dispersers, will support your production of coatings, plastics, foams and many other proven applications.

We have been testing, optimising and developing your mixing processes for over 60 years. Take advantage of our process engineering expertise!

Contact us now

Process plant for the chemical industry

Process plant for the production of fertilisers

Plant fertiliser

To the profile
Hardeners or resin formulations

Hardeners or resin formulations

To the profile
ystral process systems chemical polyamid

Designed to overcome challenges

Plant engineering for the chemical industry

The chemical industry depends on reliable and efficient production and, in view of the rising industrial electricity prices, energy-efficient production. Moreover, innovative processes and improving existing formulations are key factors in remaining competitive in the long term. When our customers buy mixing and dispersing systems from ystral, they don’t just get a system, but many years of our expertise in optimising chemical mixing processes. That’s our process promise!

Would you like to test your processes with our experts? Our test centre is available for this very purpose.

Our applications:

Take a look at a small selection of the applications we have implemented in the chemical industry:

  • Concrete aggregates
  • Anti-foaming agents
  • Fibres
  • Floor coatings
  • Catalysts
  • Ceramic suspensions
  • Adhesives, sealants and insulating materials
  • Plastics
  • Mineral oils
  • Paper coating colours
  • Plant protection products/fertilisers
  • PVA solutions
  • Cleaning and care products
  • Foaming
  • Lubricating greases and oils
  • Seed coatings

Is your product not listed among the application examples? Make use of our process engineers’ expertise!

Contact us now

ystral Chemical Industry

Specialist articles for the chemical industry

[Translate to Englisch:] Titelbild des Fachartikels Effizient reinigen mit einem großen Schwamm

Better and more efficient cleaning

to the article
[Translate to Englisch:] Fachartikel Vorschau Mischtechnik für effizientere Herstellung von Antifouling-Beschichtungen

Efficient production of anti-fouling coatings

to the article
[Translate to Englisch:] ystral Fachartikel Effektives Einbringen von Pulvern in Lösungsmitteln in der Kunststoffherstellung

Effective incorporation of powders into solvents

to the article
  • Latest information on industries and applications
  • Important dates including free exhibition admission tickets
  • Insights into our company
What can we do for your process?
What can we do for your process?

Or contact us via:

For service and spare parts requests:

Johanna Manke

Johanna Manke

  • Latest information on industries and applications
  • Important dates including free exhibition admission tickets
  • Insights into our company