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ystral worldwide
Alongside the headquarters in Ballrechten-Dottingen near the French and Swiss borders, branches have been established in Singapore (2011), Bangalore (India, 2013) and Beijing (China, 2018).
ystral has also established national representatives in many countries, so that we are able to provide you with a personal point of contact for questions, process development, commissioning and on-site service.
ystral headquarters
ystral gmbh maschinenbau + processtechnik
Wettelbrunner Str. 7
79282 Ballrechten-Dottingen
Phone: +49 7634 5603 900
Fax: +49 7634 5603 99
ystral india pvt. ltd.
Regd office : 003 Classique Mansion, 6th Cross,
HAL 2nd Stage - Bangalore 560008
Tel.: +91 8049528787
per email
ystral (beijing) process technology co., ltd.
Scitech Tower, Room 810, No. 22 Jianguomenwal Ave., Chayoang District, Beijing 100022 P.R. China
Tel.: +86 (10) 65018070<br/> per email