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Mountains of powder in the background, in front of it Batt-TDS
Mountains of powder in the background, in front of it Batt-TDS

Ready for the gigafactories of the future

[Translate to Englisch:] Batterie-Slurry-Herstellung


Dispersing machine for lithium-ion-electrode slurries

The YSTRAL Batt-TDS was specifically developed for the production of battery slurries and is tailored to the special requirements in the processing of active materials such as NMC with very different particle sizes and densities. The dispersing system achieves high product quality at a fraction of the time conventional processes require, and is easily scalable for different battery chemicals.

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The YSTRAL Batt-TDS offers you impressive advantages

  • Drastic shortening of process times in the production of lithium-ion-electrode slurries compared to conventional planetary mixers
  • Wide process window with variable batch sizes within a single machine installation and thus significantly higher flexibility compared to extruder technology
  • Low operating costs and at the same time high productivity per square metre of factory area
  • Safe & dust-free procedures
  • Hight product quality and better conductive morphology compared to conventionally produced battery cells – as demonstrated by tests performed by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
  • Easy scale-up from laboratory scale to large-scale slurry production
formerly planetary mixer

This is how the YSTRAL Batt-TDS works

  • The YSTRAL Batt-TDS inducts powders dust-free under vacuum into a liquid stream, thereby creating the conditions for optimum dispersion of different components. 
  • Compared to conventional mixing processes, in which abrasive powders are mixed dry, the solvent is used as “lubricant” in a gentle process with the Batt-TDS. The metal contamination generated by dry mixing is avoided.
  • With a large stator diameter, the Bat-TDS is designed in such a way that it can receive the high viscosities and control the exposure time with high shearing, by decoupling the shear rate from the controlled powder and liquid throughputs. 
  • Dissolving of binders: Compared to conventional procedures, in which binders are dissolved offline, our technology dissolves these at room temperature within 3 minutes after powder induction, independent of the batch size. With the Batt-TDS, dissolving can even occur in the same slurry sequence.
  • Dispersing of carbon black: With the Batt-TDS, the wetting and dispersing of aciniform structures can be optimised, to dissolve agglomerates without destruction of particles, and thus ensure optimum conductivity for each given formulation. Dry mixing / kneading is not required.
  • Dispersing of additives: With the Batt-TDS, a large number of additives can be processed, whether it is in the form of powders, pastes or liquids.
  • Dispersing of active material: Active materials can be inducted and dispersed with the Batt-TDS under vacuum with high viscosity and high solids content. Thixotropic (shear-thinning) slurries flow evenly through the mixing chamber. This enables efficient and continuous deaeration during the entire process.
  • Circulation up to homogeneity: Even though dispersing only takes milliseconds, the batch is homogenised in the vessel with low shearing. This ensures lowest quality fluctuations between the batches. 

Simple scale-up from R&D scale to large-volume production

The YSTRAL Batt-TDS dispersing system is available in four sizes – from a 12-litre R&D unit (Batt-TDS Navi) up to a production system with a batch size of 10,000 litres (Batt-TDS Pro supra). Results from the trial scale can be easily scaled up to the production scale here.

Batt-TDS Navi

The Batt-TDS Navi is ideal for the formulation and checking or processes. At R&D scale, the entire slurry mixing process can be implemented in just a few minutes with the Batt-TDS Navi, which enables effective product development. The intuitive touchscreen HMI automatically determines the mixing parameters for a consistent scale-up here.

Batt-TDS Pilot 

The capacity of the Batt-TDS Pilot corresponds to today’s production requirements. The Batt-TDS Pilot is suitable as intermediate solution on the way to larger production quantities or for users with the highest demands on operational flexibility.


The Batt-TDS PRO is available in several configurations, to meet the specific requirements of a factory for each planned volume. With its compact design, it is ideal for installation in clusters. Skid assemblies minimise the cost for a new configuration of the factory in the course of a continuous capacity extension.

Technical data

 Batt-TDS product spezifications

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At the production scale, the Batt-TDS technology achieves a more than 10 times higher productivity compared to conventional planetary mixers, and a productivity that is twice as high compared to extruders.–

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Mann steht vor einer Batt-TDS und schaut auf ein Tablet

Test the Batt-TDS

In our test centre in Ballrechten-Dottingen near Freiburg in South Germany, the R&D system YSTRAL Batt-TDS Navi for formulation and process evaluations is at your disposal. You can either take part in tests with your material in person, or remotely via our Augmented Reality Platform.

The YSTRAL Batt-TDS Navi is so compact that it can be operated in a floor-mounted exhaust booth for handling NMP in compliance with the REACH restriction 71. Powdered hazardous substances are handled safely at R&D scale in our closed glovebox and in the sealed off powder hopper system.

Contact us

Another R&D system with the YSTRAL Batt-TDS Navi dispersing system can be found in the Fraunhofer Research Institution for Battery Cell Production FFB (Fraunhofer FFB) in Münster. More information on the R&D system from ystral in the “FFB PreFab” can be found here.

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Johanna Manke

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