Learn more in our online seminar
Online seminar "Saving energy through more effective process engineering" with Dr Hans-Joachim Jacob, Senior Expert Process and Applications at ystral
Compared to conventional technologies such as high speed dissolvers or agitators, modern mixing and dispersion technologies achieve significant improvements with regard to their energy requirement: Depending on the application, the energy requirement can be lowered by up to 90%.
Online seminar "Saving energy through more effective process engineering" with Dr Hans-Joachim Jacob, Senior Expert Process and Applications at ystral
Saving energy using more efficient process technology: 8 levers for lowering the energy requirement“ (landscape format)
Saving energy using more efficient process technology: 8 levers for lowering the energy requirement“ (portrait format)
You will learn the following in detail in our 16-page whitepaper:
Contact us to arrange an appointment with one of our process and application engineers. We look forward to talking to you - and to challenging mixing requirements.
Johanna Manke